Posted by: Cat | October 8, 2007

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  1. Speaking of anthems, I can’t remember whose fans it was who were booing the Canadian anthem sometime last season. That right there is the epitome of classlessness.

    On the other hand, in Chicago there is pretty much constant cheering/clapping/screaming/singing along during the entire anthem. Both of them. I’ve talked to people who say they’ve never been to a game where they do that, and it is pretty durned cool if you ask me.

  2. Booing any nation’s anthem is just terrible and classless. In Dallas, most people sing along quietly, and everyone yells “STARS”, and there’s always cheering after the line “o’er the land of the free”, too.

    …I seriously can’t get over the fact that people boo anthems.

  3. It was San Jose who were booing the Canadian anthem during the playoffs. Ticked me off quite a bit.

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